Website + Blog + CMS for your Adventure Sports, Camper Van, Hotel, Home Stay, Trek, Trail Run Booking | Directus CMS | Directus Configured | React Website | NextJS

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Ready to take your adventure business to new heights? Our Adventure Business Kit has got you covered!


CMS and Database

With a slick backend CMS Admin Panel powered by Directus 10.9.0, managing your website's content is a breeze. From updating thrilling trek itineraries to showcasing cozy hotel options, you'll have everything you need to keep your audience hooked and coming back for more.


But that's not all – our frontend website and blog, built with NextJS and TailwindCSS, will blow your mind with its speed and style. Whether your visitors are browsing for adventure experiences, booking hotels, or checking out package tours, they'll be hooked from the moment they land on your site.

And let's not forget about SEO – we've got that covered too! With optimized content targeting keywords your site will be climbing the ranks in no time, attracting more visitors and bookings than ever before.


Speaking of bookings, we've made it super easy with our seamless booking form. You can find all Booking Form submissions and Contact Form submissions in the Directus CMS. Your customers can snag spots on treks, tours, and accommodations with just a few clicks, boosting your conversion rates and keeping those adventure seekers happy.

What does this Business Kit include?

1. Pre-built CMS with Directus 10.9.0

2. Ready to Deploy NextJS Website and Blog

3. 15+ complete Website Pages

4. Sample Database Dump for self-hosted Directus Deployment

5. Directus Schema Snapshots

6. Documentation for Production Deployment with Vercel & Docker

Pre-made Website Pages

1. Home Page

2. About Us Page

3. Contact Us Page + Form

4. Terms & Conditions

5. Privacy Policy

6. Destinations

7. Services available in the Destination

8. Package Tours

9. Package Tour Details + Booking Form

10. Hotels

11. Hotel Details + Booking Form

12. Treks

13. Trek Details + Booking Form

14. Events

15. Event Details

16. Blog Home

17. Blog Posts

18. Post List by Category


1. Functional UI Design

2. Blog, Posts with Categories

3. Carousel Gallery with Dynamic Container

4. Dynamic Header & Footer Links

5. Upselling Treks, Hotels & Package Tours

6. Embed Google & Strava Maps

7. Embed any HTML Widget

8. SEO-ready Pages and Blog Posts

9. Trip, Tours & Hotel Booking Forms

10. CMS for Website and Blog

11. Sortable Data in CMS

12. Rebranding Options

Premium Support

Unlock premium support for seamless deployment of the Adventure Business Kit. Our dedicated team ensures a smooth setup process, guiding you through every step to launch your adventure business with confidence. Experience personalized assistance and expert guidance to maximize the potential of your online venture.

1. We deploy the Adventure Business Snapshot into your Directus Cloud Account

2. We Rebrand the Admin, Website and Blog for your Business.

3. We deploy the Website to Production using Vercel/Netlify or any other cloud solution of your choice, like, Digital Ocean, AWS, GCP, etc..

So why wait? Dive into the Adventure Business Kit today and start turning your passion for adventure into a thriving business!

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You'll get NextJS Website Code, Directus 10.9.0 Schema Snapshot with sample data

Pre-made Website Pages
Pre-made Blog Pages
Directus 10.9.0 CMS Setup Code
Directus Cloud Setup
Directus 10.9.0 Schema Snapshot
Pre-filled Sample Data in CMS
Database Dump of Sample Website
Via Email & Google Meet
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Website + Blog + CMS for your Adventure Sports, Camper Van, Hotel, Home Stay, Trek, Trail Run Booking | Directus CMS | Directus Configured | React Website | NextJS

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